Time to Sway

This morning I was doing my devotions and listening to my praise music. I had laid down my Bible and was reflecting on the message the song I was listening to. Soon I found myself swaying while sitting cross-legged. As I swayed to-and-fro I couldn't help but smile. How difficult is it to explain the sensation of God's love residing in you and you knowing and believing it to be true? Not too simple. Now why am I chatting about swaying and God's love? Well I had to ask myself the same thing, what does swaying and love mean to me? It could mean something different to each and every one of us, but this is what I believe God told me.

He reminded me of my first days of a babysitter. What would I do to a young child who needed comfort from me? I'd scoop them in my arms and rock back and forth, whispering comfort to their ear. While I held them I could feel their little bodies relax and their tears stopped and soon they were smiling at me from their perch.

I remember in one of my CPR classes, or babysitting class one lady told us girls that a baby felt more comfortable in our arms because it reminded them of being in the womb. That's where they first started out, that was their first home. If you've ever had the chance to move to a new home does it feel foreign to you at first? Then slowly over time take the place of your old home? It does to me. And to the babies they haven't had time to get used to this new world or place, to be reminded of their first home is a comfort.

Now I ask you to use your imagination with me. Picture yourselves the crying baby, or young child in desperate need of comfort. Then here comes our Heavenly Father. His strong and loving arms enfold around us, scooping us off in the ground and into his embrace. We might be crying, we might be hurt but His gentle whispers come into our ears. Each whisper assures us of His undying affection towards US. When He sways us back and forth our cares and anxieties disappear as our focus turns from ourselves and onto HIM. We are being cradled in the arms of God! I'm getting excited just thinking about it! But here's the best part, we only needed to give one sigh and God is right there. He's always there! Ready to comfort, ready to support and give strength. He loves us so much! If you doubt this just ask our fellow heir, Jesus Christ. He will vouch the genuine love of our Heavenly Father.

Isaiah 40:11 has this to say about our Father: "He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will father the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young."

I personally love that picture.

When I sway during worship, or my personal devotions I can say that I believe God arms are around me. All the truth I was singing, or reading is true, and God has revealed a little more of Himself to me. I can feel the love swirling around me, bubbling over and spilling onto my being. Sort of like a jacuzzi. The main thing is though it's God's love I'm catching. His love is contagious! Well if you can get sick with God's love, I want to catch as many germs as I possibly can!

So now I'm lifting my hands to the Father in praise and worship. Sometimes our reactions need to be different. Submission to His will, casting our burdens on His shoulders, or praising his Holy Name. But God's arms never grow weary, He delights to be our strength and peace. He delights to be our Father!


  1. Awesome Savannah! You gave me a really good picture. I have been enjoying so many instances where I can clearly feel God's love for me. Isn't He awesome!!!!


  2. And the best part is this: God's love is even bigger than we could ever imagine!

  3. savanah, that is an awesome t hought! thanks for sharing [=
    -Bri (froms occer)

  4. Remarkable question

  5. I apologise, but, in my opinion, this theme is not so actual.