Beautiful Letdown
There is a lot of songs about life. Rap songs about thug life,country songs about "down home" life,pop and rock songs about the party life and many,many more genres and sub genres that all envelop the same theme of living. However,I came upon this song called "The Beautiful Letdown" by Switchfoot as of late and have found it's message the opposite of what most songs preach. Obviously this is a Christian band,but I was startled at the fact that what they were saying,was so incredibly true. Before I can continue,here are the lyrics:
Beautiful Letdown (by Switchfoot)
It was a beautiful let down
When I crashed and burned
When I found myself alone,unknown and hurt
It was a beautiful let down
The day I knew
That all the riches this world had to offer me
Would never do
In a world full of bitter pain and bitter doubt
I was tryin' so hard to fit in, fit in,
Until I found out
That I don't belong here(I don't belong)
I don't belong here(I don't belong)
I will carry a cross and a song where I don't belong
I don't belong
It was a beautiful let down
When you found me here
Yeah for once in a rare blue moon I see everything clear
I'll be a beautiful let down
That's what I'll forever be
And though it may cost my soul
I'll sing for free
We're still chasin' our tails and the risin' sun
And our dark water planet's
Still spinning in a race
Where no one wins and no one's one
See I don't belong here(I don't belong)
I don't belong here(I don't belong)
I will carry a cross and a song where I don't belong
I don't belong
I don't belong here(I don't belong)
I don't belong here( I don't belong)
I'm gonna set sight and set sail for the kingdom come
Kingdom come
Your kingdom come
Won't you let me down yeah
Let my foolish pride
Forever let me down
Easy living,your not much like your name
Easy dying,hey you look just about the same
Won't you please take me off your list
Easy living,please come on and let me down
We are a beautiful let down,
Painfully uncool,
The church of the dropouts
The losers, the sinners, the failures and the fools
Oh what a beautiful let down
Are we salt in the wound
And let us sing one true tune
I don't belong here(I don't belong)
No,I don't belong here(I don't belong)
I don't belong here(I don't belong)
Feels like I don't belong here
I don't belong here(I don't belong here)
Feels like I don't belong here
No,I don't belong here
Would you let me down
Come on and let me down
You always let me down
Feels like I'm let down
Come on and let me down
Cuz I don't belong here
Won't you let me down?
What stood out most about this is song is the chorus. The repetitiveness of "I don't belong here". As Christian,that statement should be SO prevalent in our lives. We really don't belong.
John 15:19 says,If you belong to the world,it would love you as its own. As it is,you do not belong to the world,but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.(NIV) I think a lot of the times we forget this. We are in this world but not of it. If that is the case,we should be acting differently to the aspect of life and living it.
"What does this mean,exactly?",you're probably thinking. Since we know and believe life is more than just living and dying,we should be making an effort to further the kingdom we belong to. Along with furthering it,to represent it as citizens while here on earth to the best of our abilities with God's help.
I challenge you,this week to reevaluate the way you are living,whether it be godly or worldly.
If it be the latter, fear not, God is merciful.
Change is a gradual process,not an immediate arrival.
Start somewhere, anywhere.
Maybe be more diligent to read the Bible, pray every day or examine the worldly things you are letting yourself in take.
Build from there.
As Rome wasn't built in a day, neither is a Christian's walk with God.
So set forth this week to grow closer to the Savior.
Wow...I had never really thought about the words of that song.