
Set Apart is finally up and running! Well, sort of. It's amazing what happens when two girls think of an idea for a blog. I'm just going to say it was not my idea to make this, but I happily agreed and I'm very excited to see what God does with this opportunity. So what has been decided is there will be three main writers/posters: Annie, Heidi and myself. But we will have guest writers who submit some posts as well. It will be really sweet. So what's God saying to you?

~Savvy J


  1. that is so awesome:)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.  
  3. Blogger Shirley said...

    How pleased I am, Savannah, and your team members, that I now have the knowledge to view SET APART. Thanks for the instructions.

    I've read lots of the articles on your site and I am so pleased that God is using all of you to communicate HIS love to others.

    Savannah, your LIST article made me chuckle aloud. All my life I've had a TO DO LIST but most days I accomplish only a small percentage of what I thought I needed to do. But God does have his own clock and HIS very own agenda and I'm most in TUNE with HIM when I follow HIS leading and not mine.

    Keep writing, girl. I'm so very proud of you and the talent God has given you. GRAM SHIRLEY

    October 6, 2008 5:57 PM